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The Jackson Rose Parade is brought to you by True Community Credit Union

  • These are required fields.

  • (Like: Jackson High School Marching Band or Jackson Corvette Club)
  • The first and last name of the person to be contacted if there are any questions regarding this entry.
  • Be specific. (No grouping. Ex.10-15)(If no walkers, enter "0")
    This will help to separate these entries from other entries that play music.
    If your entry is a float, do you want it judged? See Float Judging tab on the Parade webpage. Professionally made floats are not eligible for judging.
  • This is a short description of the entry. Like: Car with walkers or Tractor and trailer
  • Positive, whole numbers please.
  • JTV Videotaping Notice.

    JTV will be taping the Rose Parade again this year.  They will need a detailed description of your entry for their commentary during the taping.  Be very specific about your parade entry.  Please include things like the following:
    • Year, Make, Model of vehicle (if a classic, antique or unique vehicle)
    • How many years have you participated in the parade?
    • What your entry/business/organization is representing and what they do in the community
    • Celebrating an anniversary or celebration?  Include it in the description!
    • Float details -- Explain what your float is representing as it pertains to the theme, how many hours were put into the float, who is on your float, etc.
    • If you have walkers, how many are in the parade with your entry?  Who are they representing?
    Think of your description this're giving the commentators information for them to read and describe what people are seeing while watching the parade on television.  When writing your description, be the watcher of the show and think about what would be of interest for you to hear about your entry.  The JTV broadcast location is at Brown's Floral, corner of Greenwood and Morrell.
    I/We have read and understand the Rules & Regulations of the Jackson County Rose Parade and abide by these rules and regulations. I/We hereby waive all claims and hereby do release the Jackson County Rose Festival, Inc., its Officers, Board members, sponsors and volunteers of any liabilities resulting from injury or damage to persons or property, accident, or loss of equipment prior to, during the progress of, or following their event.
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